Microsoft Access 2003 Runtime Free Download

The runtime components themselves are included with any installation of Access 2003. But in order to distribute a runtime solution you need to have a license; this came with the Microsoft Office Access 2003 Developer Extensions, which were a part of Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Office 2003. Microsoft doesn't sell this any more, since they have moved on to later versions of both Visual Studio and Access, so your best bet would be to find someone who is willing to sell their license to you (or perhaps there's a computer software shop that still has a copy gathering dust on the shelves). [quote name='ZOR' post='768745' date='01-Apr-2009 14:37']Does anyone know the easy route to get the runtime for MS Access 2003 where a user can run a program without having Access installed.
I am going round in circles with the MS website. Thanks[/quote] I know this is an old thread, so I hope I am not violating protocol. However, I did find Office Access 2003 Developer Extensions (English) is available at their BizSpark site.
Oct 14, 2008 - We have this old Access app that REQUIRES the 2003 runtime and doesn't. So, we need to find a download of the 2003 runtime. Start your 7-day free trial. Scott McDaniel (Microsoft Access MVP - EE MVE )Infotrakker.
You have to sign up in order to access the programs. Helpndoc keygen idm serial number. Just thought I would mention it.