Free Download Crystal Report 9 For Vb6 String

Hello, I need to know how can I add my report created in crystal report 9 from my visual basic (v 6) form. Some info about my report: ** my report is created on crystal report 9. ** it is using OLE DB connection to connect with my database. ** my database is in ms-access and password protected. So, I need to know-- =how to set the location of the database from vb6 for the report =how to refresh data each time the form is run =how to provide password for the database Code example will help me lot. Thanks in advance belal. Thanks Paplewska for your code.
Crystal Reports VB6. Crystal Report Viewer. Dim CrxRep As CRAXDRT.Report Dim CrxSubRep As CRAXDRT.Report Dim strReport As String Dim i As. I am new to crystal reports. And am using Crystal reports 9 with VB6 and an access Database. I have my report designed an it is displaying the data in a cross tab. It is displaying 3 fields from my database, and is displaying ALL the data from those fields. I need to filter it down by date.
But as I have mentiones that I am using OLE DB Connection Type. How Can I use this for OLE DB connection. I have tried by changing your code following way: For i = 1 To Report.Database.Tables.Count Report.Database.Tables(i).SetLogOnInfo 'Microsoft.Jet.OLE DB.4.0', 'mdacrs.mdb', ', 'siristhebest' Next i and it gives me following error: Logon failed Details: ADO Error Code: 0x80040e21 Source: Microsoft OLE DB Service Components Description: Multiple-step OLD DB operation generated errors.Check each OLE DB status value, if available.No work was done. Please help me more specifically, Thanks in advance. DanInManchester, will you please explain me the difference betn using ttx file and RDC system. I am new to this topic.
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Your little explanation may help me to be friendly with these. And, Can anyone help me explaining how to use connection property if I like to use it instead of setLofOnInfo, as in many discussion I learened I should use this system though I don't know how to use it.

Here I am giving the syntax I have learened from net. But don't know what to do next. Dim CPProperty As CRAXDRT.ConnectionProperty Dim crxTable As CRAXDRT.DatabaseTable ' craxdrt.DatabaseTables 'create a CRAXDRT database table object and connect.
For Each crxTable In Report.Database.Tables Set CPProperty = crxTable.ConnectionProperties('Provider') CPProperty.Value = 'Microsoft.Jet.4.0' Set CPProperty = crxTable.ConnectionProperties('Data Source') CPProperty.Value = App.Path & 'mm.mdb' Set CPProperty = crxTable.ConnectionProperties('User ID') CPProperty.Value = ' Set CPProperty = crxTable.ConnectionProperties('Password') CPProperty.Value = 'seeyou' crxTable.Location = App.Path & 'mm.mdb' Next Note: This section couses an error that dismiss my vb application when it is said to run Sorry, for my long message. Hope get your help. The only difference is to do with the database connection. A ttx file simply contains a list of fields and sample data. (Field definitions only datasource) Crystal will create this for you or you can do it yourself. When you are designing your report rather than use a 'real' database you connect to the ttx file. This gives you enough information to design your report.
Keygen psa date validator for sale. You can then bind your report to any datasource at runtime as long as it matches the specification in the ttx file. The adantage of this approach is that you can let your ADO handle all your queries and parameters and simply pass the report the required data. You reports are a lot easier to redistribute as your data location and login etc is handled within your application. It's essentially like using a standard VB datareport. Thanks DanInManchester for your quick response.