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Jun 13, 2017 - The healthcare model as formulated after the 1917 coup (the Soviet healthcare. An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc. M.: Nauka, 1993, 143 Albitskiy V.YU., Baranov A.A., Sher S.A. Istoriya Nauchnogo tsentra zdorov'ya detey. Baranov AA, Namazova-Baranova LS, Al'bitskiy VYU, et al.
The reconstitution of social and intellectual being that comprised the goal of the new Soviet authorities following their seizure of political power in late 1917 signalled a fundamental campaign for literacy. The process of learning to read was commenced in a traditional way, i.e. Through school lessons and by illustrated primer ( azbuka/bukvar) in which letter, word and image were text. In the attempt to instill a socialist consciousness in every adult and child ‘HOW’ and ‘WHAT’ to read took on new significance. Just as the Cyrillic alphabet was reformed so too were the primers, with content and meanings being radically altered. It is the actuality and process of this transformation over the first fifteen years of Sovietised Russia and as revealed through four illustrated primers, that is the subject of this paper.
Keywords: Azbuka; Bukvar; Primer; Literacy; Illustrated. Notes: L. Ershova, V. Semenikhin, Dmitriy Fomin, Detskaya illyustrirovannaya kniga v istorii rossii 1881-1939 iz kollektsii Aleksandra Lur’e, Moscow, Uley, 2009; Albert Lemmens, Serge Stommels, Russian Artists and the Children’s Book 1890-1992, Nijmegen, LS, 2009. See also, for example, Evgeny Steiner, Stories for Little Comrades. Revolutionary Artists and the Making of Early Soviet Children’s Books, Seattle, University of Washington Press, 1999; Julian Rothenstein, Olga Budashevskaya (eds.), Inside the Rainbow: Russian Children’s Literature 1920-1935: Beautiful Books, Terrible Times, London, Redstone Press, 2013.
See the useful but minimal coverage in L. Ershova et al. Torrent blacklist episode 13. Detskaya, op. cit., vol. 1, 228-9.
For an indication of the range, see Azbuki, bukvari i knigi dlya chteniya c. 1918-1930 and c. 1931-1940 gg., K. D. Ushinskiy Nauchnaya Pedagogicheskaya Biblioteka, website: (accessed ).