Download Free Air Chicago Towel Folder Manual

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Chicago is the first u.S. Company to automate the physically demanding job of pulling & shaking sheets apart by hand. Before our linen separating machines were available, operators had to bend & lift tangled linen. With chicago's linen separating equipment, laundries can eliminate fte hours & ergonomic concerns. Pieces per operator hour are dramatically increased because sheets are presented to the feeder in a condition that is easier & faster to handle. Chicago cascade is now available for use w/ laundry carts or to receive linen automatically dropped from overhead storage. Cascade is the premier next generation linen separation system in the industry for laundries that need to produce the highest continuous volume of separated linen to keep up w/ today's newest high speed automated spreader feeders.
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This unique & rugged free standing, single platform compact unit can be placed directly in front of the finishing line or remotely for a “separated & ready to go” cart transfer. Its multi-step process divides & spreads the hardest work out into stages to assure longer service life & eliminates the need for additional pre-separating devices such as shakers or cake breakers. It automatically separates & unloads extracted, tumbled, or caked work of any size from a wide variety of laundry carts or overhead or lateral conveyor delivery systems & presents easily-handled separated items directly to feeding/ironing/folding operators. Linen can be discharged to a feeding table, cart, or optional chicago linen stream conveyor at a choice of either side of the machine. The alternating dual pick heads have a continuous pick rate exceeding 2,000 cycles/hr., providing a significant increase in net pieces separated over other systems, & the exclusive intermediate holding area provides the buffer supply of extra linen that a high speed finishing line requires to run without interruption while a fresh cart or overhead sling of tangled linen is moved into place. This makes the cascade up to 50% faster than separators of older design, & the ideal companion to chicago’s edge maxx, king edge, ultra maxx or edge cornerless spreader/feeders to form the highest output, most efficient & effortless feeding system available. Cascade can also be used to improve the productivity of any other automated or manual feeding method.
The optional autoload integrated sling drop conveyor trough receives tangled wet or conditioned linen batches of any size directly from a tunnel washer or overhead bag & automatically advances them into position under cascade’s bulk picking head for continuous linen separation. Atm is america’s first automatic self-loading towel separating machine. It picks up, shakes out, straightens, & feeds towels automatically without the need for an operator! Atm is a faster, more compact machine & uses fewer & simpler moving parts for an unbeatable roi.
It has the ability to automate, maximize & pace the towel separating, loading, & folding process in almost any size or height laundry. It joins the ranks of previous industry-changing chicago innovations such as air chicago, edge, powerhouse & the modern cylinder ironer that have revolutionized the way laundries work. The optional linen stream laundry conveyor is chicago’s intelligent system for the distribution & flow control of separated linen from the chicago cascade.
Linen advances as needed along the length of the conveyor to operators who are loading a high speed chicago edge maxx, king edge or other spreader / feeder or feeding by hand. Linenstream’s built-in electronic control system automatically & continuously adjusts the speed of the laundry conveyor & the amount of ready linen flow to match the supply of incoming separated linen received from cascade & the speed / ability of feeding operators handling linen at the end of the linenstream system. Linenstream starts, advances, speeds up, slows down, & stops linen flow as necessary to match current finishing line conditions so that an excess or lack of separated linen does not interrupt feeder productivity. Chicago’s edge automatic spreading & feeding equipment line offers labor-saving laundry solutions for the accurate high volume presentation of sheets & table linen into flatwork ironing & / or folding equipment. A patented cornerless method of finding linen allows operators to load an edge, king edge, or edge maxx series spreader / feeder faster & w/ less manual labor than any other spreading & feeding equipment. The chi microprocessor simplifies linen movements, eliminates many maintenance- intense mechanical parts, & makes everyone’s job easier by integrating control & diagnostic functions w/ the rest of the finishing line. Edge is the cornerless linen feeder that revolutionized large piece linen feeding.