Windows Phone Xap File Decompiler Online

Program kerja osis bidang olahraga kompasiana Kategori Inspirasi Tag Contoh Program Kerja OSIS, Program Kerja OSIS SMA, Program Kerja OSIS SMK, Program Kerja OSIS SMP, Seksi Bidang di OSIS Navigasi Tulisan 30 Contoh Kalimat Majemuk Beserta Pengertian dan Strukturnya. Program Kerja OSIS SMP Negeri 1 Kota Mojokerto Tahun 2008-2009 by Muhammad Ibnu Atho'illah in Types > School. Meningkatkan prestasi siswa di bidang akademik. Contoh Program Kerja Osis. V Mengadakan lomba di bidang keagamaan v Tirta Yatra. Yang mengenai olahraga v Mengadakan OSIS CUP v Mengadakan SMANELA. Contoh Program Kerja Osis terbaru Sahabat sekalian pada kesempatan kali ini Kata Ilmu akan berbagi artikel mengenai Contoh Proker atau Program Kerja Osis atau Organasisasi Siswa Intra Sekolah. Di dalam Surat Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah Nomor 226/C/Kep/0/1992 disebutkan bahwa organisasi kesiswaan di sekolah adalah OSIS.

I am looking for a tool to extract from a XAP (Windows Phone app) file: Metadata such as version name, libraries, etc String resources Binary resources Dialog definitions Ideally: decompiled sourc. How can I reverse engineer Windows Phone apps? Especially apps that are running on version 7.8 and 8 of the OS? Reverse engineering apps for Windows Phone 7 and 8. Ask Question 9. How can I reverse engineer Windows Phone apps? Especially apps that are running on version 7.8 and 8 of the OS? If you have the XAP file, it is just a ZIP.

It looks Microsoft is sleeping. There are many pirated apps that start to appear in Windows Phone marketplace. The marketplace allows a thief to download the XAPs for many apps and republish them under his account. I can't believe the marketplace is allowing this. No, they should know, it is very simple; I have one app with my name in the about page (in the pirated app) which is totally different than the name of the publisher (the thief). Also, if you look at the images of the pirated apps you will see the original name of the original app which is different than the name of the app in marketplace. 1/3 fraction.

For example the app “ConnectMe” is pirated as “Remote PC pro” the name within the pirated app still shows “ConnectMe”. If they care, it is simple to identify pirated apps. I don't think its that easy or they would just do that. The real issue is that application can be decompiled all the way back to source code. There is no amount of security that can fix that. It's the nature of managed code.

Obviously games compiled in C++ can not be decompiled to source but I think all store apps are This particular guy just took the easiest route which was to modify the XAP. I'm just saying that any automated process they put in place can be circumvented, its just a matter of how hard it is to do. Right now its moderately easy to do but with 8.1 it might be harder as they are switching to the newer RT formatting. There are interop unlocked phones which can dump the apps unencrypted, from there people can modify them. The issue is they usually don't submit them to the store which means anyone can install and side load them.