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At home, I usually have to beg my siblings (or whoever’s around) to take photos for my blog. It’s either that or the trusty timer. I’m 1.) too shy to “pose” for anyone else and 2.) aware that asking random strangers will most likely get me in trouble. That’s why BUMMER I only have a few outfit pictures from my recent trip to London: Skirt & bag: thrifted. Top: H&M I arrived with a big’ol luggage filled with thrifted and mended clothes knowing this was surely the place to, well, NOT stand out. That’s why it might be hard to believe I was stopped a few times by streetstyle blog photogs. I have proof of one!

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The skirt is one of my latest thrift finds and all I had to do was scoot the button over and raise the hem a bit.the fish and fishing gear print really got me. And the price, of course. 🙂 It was so flattering to be asked to have my picture taken! The short Honduran with the 50 lempira ($2.50) skirt?

I’m currently revamping a few thrifted items and have a couple of DIYs to share on the next posts. But OHHHH I REALLY need a trip to the downtown market for some inspiration. I’ve been sad because of the recent crime increment in my it’s hit close to my heart. Praying things get better! ♥.

Tessa September 19, 2011 at 8:53 pm jajaja esta entrada esta mejor que la anterior a mi gusto porsuppuesto tu mejor entrada fue “street inspo” Fabiola,Cara: UNO, no vuelvas hablar mal en publico sobre un pais que te ha recibidoej el sabor del te (eso es algo que solo se comenta en privado) DOS, la consecuencia es que los ingleses podrian hablar de tu forma de tomarlo!!!! La mano izquierda solo la llevas arriba cuando el tazon tiene dos orejas (Ej.el que sirve para sopa), si dedice subir tu mano la acunas debajo de la taza.

TRES mal puesto para los lentes; Coordialmente Tessa •. September 19, 2011 at 9:14 pm hey girl!!! Your style is so effortlessly chic! My favorite style in this whole bloggosphere, la neta! And even cooler que sos CATRACHA!!!agahaha.

Anyways, you look amazing!! Y pues era obvio que te ivan a parar en las calles de londes, o nooo?? Espero un dia poder tener un photoshoot contigo!!! Honduras, siempre esta en mis oracciones.espero que algun dia la situacion cambie.debe de cambiar, si quiere salir adelante. What must be done??? DannyREimi July 20, 2017 at 9:24 pm Custom color jewelry box wholesale, we can provide you with a variety of color jewelry packaging, including color ring box packaging, bracelet packaging, necklace packaging and so on. Color jewelry box design is divided into several ways, one is pure abstract picture as a packaging background, and there is no text, just a pure picture; one is mixed with the use of text and pictures, this is more common; Kind is pure text, just a simple LOGO logo.