Nightmare Creatures 3 Angel Of Darkness Pc Download

Nightmare Creatures 3: Angel of Darkness With its action-packed gameplay backed up by a fascinating story, Nightmare Creatures 3, Angel of Darkness carries forth the Nightmare Creatures series into the realm of gothic horror fantasy. Nightmare Creatures is back, this time in 19th century central Europe where you play the role of a new agile heroine who sets out to solve a mysterious event. During the daytime you will explore Prague as the story unfolds. When night falls, the heroine and her accompanying Raven merge and transform into a formidable fighting beast, ready to defeat the very much alive and kicking Adam Crowley, the ultimate boss, in the final combat.
Question: I want to bring back an old series. Nightmare Creatures 3: Angel of Darkness was cancelled and after some research I believe the series is now owned by Ubisoft. Download Poster.