Libros Para Ensear Piano A Nios Pdf

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Volver a pensar cnones de lectura que reflejen la nueva realidad de nuestra Amrica nativa, la afro, la europea, la inmigrante, la latina. La obra de Gemma Lluch Cmo seleccionar libros para nios y jvenes. A Pahlen se le ocurre situar a los nios en una escalera, cada uno en un escaln, ordenados por altura, primero el ms bajito, y el ltimo el ms alto. Esta idea e para ensear a los nios las notas de una manera comprensible para ellos. Asign a cada uno un sonido para que lo reconocieran.

Is Soft Mozart just another software attempting to help beginners to learn piano? Everybody who has made even a short acquaintance with the Soft Mozart piano teaching software agrees that what they saw is something absolutely new and revolutionary. What are the main differences between this program and other existing piano teaching programs? First of all, Soft Mozart was created by a music scientist and piano teacher with 25 years of teaching experience, Ms. Hellene Hiner, with a special purpose to use it during her piano classes.

This computer software implements revolutionary approaches to piano teaching which Ms. Hiner invented and has used during her work with children.

For the last two years, Soft Mozart has become the main teaching tool during Ms. Hiner's piano lessons and home practice for children from 2 to 12 years old. Under trial by children, the most demanding clientele, the smallest details of the program design have been taken into account to make the software more attractive and comfortable for a student, without losing of any power of the teaching approach. Soft Mozart is absolutely different from many computer programs that mechanically translate classical piano lessons into some kinds of electronic piano teaching manuals, where the flow of instructions is interspersed by a few artless exercises. Soft Mozart involves any student into intensive music practice from the start, skipping all lectures and explanations. In reality, our program turns all of the usual conception of piano learning upside down.

Libros Para Ensear Piano A Nios Pdf

Instead of months of preparatory lessons that include the stuffing of the student with needed and unneeded music theory, and testing his will power with endless music scale exercises, our teaching software gives the possibility to any beginner to play and practice real music from the start, and as much as he or she wants. Instead of long struggles with a simple music score by reading and memorizing note by note, Soft Mozart introduces a revolutionary method (U.S.A. Patent pending) to help any beginner, even a small child, to start to read music notes from the first lesson.

Throughout the program, Soft Mozart extensively uses many unique and innovative approaches for teaching and training the beginner or child how to fluently read music notes and proficiently play the piano, including the wide use of colors, shapes and sound for the conscious and subconscious help of a student. All of these approaches, like a mosaic, constitute a harmonious and efficient piano teaching system. Is the Soft Mozart software for small children? Our program is for anybody beginning from the age of 2 years old. This is hard to believe, but our software is designed in a way that any student, child or adult, beginner or advanced, may learn and benefit from the same interface, developing their skills at their own paces. The flexible, intelligent interface automatically provides you with a suitable level of challenge, depending on the rate of your progress. This level may be easy enough for a small child in their first piano lesson, and quite challenging for an experienced student interested in improving his skills of fluent music reading.

Very smart parents of my students use our software as a piano learning tool too, as well as their children. You can fully grasp the universality of the program while practicing and memorizing songs. The Gentle Piano game helps a 2-year-old child to play his first song 'Mary had a little lamb' by reading a simplified music score, or can efficiently teach you to read from the normal music score and play Beethoven's 'Moonlight Sonata'. What do you mean by claiming that the Soft Mozart program teaches music in the most natural way? To learn naturally means to learn gradually and permanently.

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Our program has succeeded in converting piano learning into a gradual process, when the new information comes in quantities just big enough to be comfortably accepted and adopted by your mind. The Soft Mozart method does not require a big jump from you - a drastic improvement in your skills for successful advancement, like months of studying and memorizing music notation before being able to read and play your first song. You will progress and enjoy your learning using small steps - continually developing your reading and playing skills, without working too hard, or struggling with boring drills. To learn naturally means never to lose the objective of your learning. Many students, especially children, have lost their interest in piano lessons during the initial months of lectures and abstract exercises, without the ability to perform real music. With the Soft Mozart software, any beginner starts to play actual songs from the first piano lesson.