Kitobi Sahehi Buhori

Usmani - Read / Download; Urdu - Kitab ut Tawheed (Last Chapter of. Sahih Bukhari). Majidi Tafseer Ibn Abbas Tafseer Kabeer by Imam Al-Razi Tafsir Jawahir. Musa al-'Absi (Died 213 AH). • Sahih Bukhari [kitab al-'iman]. • Sahih Muslim [kitab al-'iman]. • Sahih al-Tirmidhi [kitab al-salat]. • Sunan al-Nasa'i [kitab al-sahw].

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List of Hadith Books 1- translated by M. 2- translated by Abdul Hamid Siddiqui. 3- translated by Prof.

4- translated by Aisha Abdarahman at-Tarjumana and Yaqub Johnson. Sahih Al-Bukhari 1. Sahih Muslim 1. Sunan Abu-Dawud 1. Malik's Muwatta 1.

A brief text about the presence of narrations from Shi'ah narrators in one of the most trusted books of Ahlul-Sunnah: Sahih al-Bukhari. O you who believe! Be careful of your duty to Allah, and be with the truthful (Holy Qur’an: Chapter 9, Verse 119) The Shi’ah point of view was followed by many early scholars of Islam who were considered truthful and trustworthy, and their narrations of the Ahadith of the Prophet (s) were relied upon by famous Sunni scholars.

Listed below are a few of the Shi’ah scholars that al-Bukhari has relied upon in his Sahih. If we add to these the rest of them including those narrators in the Sahih of Muslim and the other four Sihah Sittah who followed the Shi’ah faith, then the number would increase significantly. To save space, reference is given to the section title (kitab) in each book for only one hadith by each person - the rest can be found using indices or hadith software. The reader will notice the term Rafidi every now and then in the following biographies. The Sunni scholars generally define a Rafidi as a Shi’ah who openly criticizes or rejects the legitimacy of the Caliphs before ‘Ali (a).

• Sahih Bukhari [kitab al-’iman] • Sahih Muslim [kitab al-’iman] • Sahih al-Tirmidhi [kitab al-salat] • Sunan al-Nasa’i [kitab al-sahw] • Sunan Abu Dawud [kitab altaharah] • Sunan Ibn Majah [kitab al-muqaddamah] • “Aboo Daawood said: He was an ardent Shee’ee, his ahaadeeth are allowable.Ibn Mandah said: Ahmad ibn Hanbal used to point ‘Ubaydullaah out to the people, and he was well known for Rafd (extreme partisanship for ‘Alee), and he would not let anyone enter his house who was called ‘Mu’aawiyah’”. [The Creed of the Imaam of Hadeeth al-Bukhari and of the Great Scholars from whom he narrated (Salafi Publications, UK, 1997), p.

89 from Al-Dhahabi, Siyar A’lam al-Nubala, vol. 9, pp.553-557] • “A pious person, one of the important Shi’ah scholars. Audi vwtool 209 for windows 7 english full.

Considered reliable by Yahya b. Ma’in, Abu Hatim said he was reliable, trustworthy.

Kitobi Sahehi Buhori

Al-’Ijli said: He was an authority on the Qur’an.” [Al-Dhahabi, Tadhkirat al-Huffaz under “‘Ubayd Allah b. Musa al-’Absi”] • Sahih Bukhari [ kitab al-tawhid] • Sahih al-Tirmidhi [ kitab al-manaqib] • Sunan Ibn Majah [ kitab ma ja' fi al-jana'iz] • He was a trustworthy Rafidi and his hadith is in (Sahih of) al-Bukhari. [Ibn Hajar al-’Asqalani, Taqrib al-Tahdhib, under “‘Abbad b. Ya’qub al-Rawajani”] • Abu Hatim said: He was a shaykh, reliable. Ibn ‘Adi said: He used to denounce the Salaf. In him was extremism of Shi’ism.