Java Midlet Emulator For Android

Just got a Droid and on my previous Windows Mobile 6.1 phone there was a Java emulator (Intent Java MIDlet Manager ) which allowed you to run jad/jar files on your Windows Mobile device. I'm not overly familiar with this to begin with but was wondering if there is something out there for the Droid which does similar? What I am trying to do is be able to view my Speco DVR on my Droid. Here is the page which has a demo. Near the bottom of the page there is a demo as well as a link to the jad/jar files. Does anybody know if this is something that is or will soon be possible with the Droid?

Java Midlet Emulator For Android

Actually, I just did some searching and it looks like this may work!?!? Went to this site. Clicked on the link to covert j2mes into apk (since you said that is what I needed. LOL), told it the.jar and.jad files. It gave me an.apk file. I put that on the phone. N vivo 10 crack. Tried to run it but it told me I needed the J2ME Runner file so I downloaded that and installed it.

I didn't select any specific settings for the.apk file so the screen text wasn't that great but when I ran it, I actually was able to see the DVR program! I tried to connect but got some error code (got the same error code with my windows mobile phone too but only played with it for a few minutes before I went to Verizon and converted over to the Droid. Haha) but this is definitely a very good start!

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Is it possible to run J2ME apps on Android phones? If so, what is the installation procedure? Jbed like jeme emulators in android. J2ME Midlet showing Java.

I think just being able to see the program and navigate through it means that it'll probably work once I figure out what settings are messed up. If anybody plays with this and gets it figured out, please let me know Thanks!!!