Hanzipen Font

Thousands of designers (famous or not) use the image font detection system to find a font or similar free fonts from an image. Although we have the largest database of fonts, the search for a font from an image gets mixed results like the image above. No information is available for this page.Learn why.
File Information: Font Full Name: Font Family: Font Style: • Font Version: Version 2.00 August 6, 2015 Source: • License type: • The way of authorization is for reference only. Please contact the copyright party to purchase commercial authorization. Propellerhead recycle 22 torrent mac. Font Embedding Permission: • File Format: • File Size: 28.15M File Name: STHeiti-Light.ttc Release Time: 2015-08-11 16:44:45 File Time: 2015-08-09 03:59:55 Created: 2013-02-06 20:13:42 Modified: 2015-08-07 02:59:56 MD5: 64f178838aed3e3b594cecd0aa28bcc4. Special notes: Visitors are allowed to download one free font You can download font files at the maximum of 50,download more files; Downloads are only available for web browsers.
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Just done a bit of digging and HanziPen SC doesn't appear in any iOS font lists I can find. It isn't on any of my iOS devices either, including my iPhone that originally shipped with iOS 7 installed. However, according to, it shipped as an installed font with OS X 10.9 Mavericks -- it may have shipped with an earlier version but I can't find any reliable info about that. In the more recent macOS versions, it was not included but as mentioned, it can be installed through Font Book. I am not exactly which was the first version not to include it, but according to, it was a downloadable in macOS 10.12 Sierra. It looks as though it can only be made available to individual apps which include the necessary coding to download it.
I was hoping it would be possible to install a configuration profile in the usual way, so that it would be available globally. Affinity asked to download some fonts before opening this file but I am not sure why. I can't remember if I mentioned this but this file used to work fine for over a year. I just found out if I type some new text and change it to HanziPen SC it works! But there is no way I can change that existing text over which means I have to go back and redo the spacing. You can see in the screen shot I typed it out on the pasteboard.
In case anyone was wondering this was a school project where I had to convey the opposite of an emotion with text which is what I thought HanziPen represents. The one on the black background was the type I used to convey grief.