Hannah Montana Season 2 Episode 30 Torrent

Hannah Montana Season 2 Episode 30 - No Sugar Sugar. 2 months ago 165 views. Girl Meets World. Hannah Montana Season 2 Episode 30 - No Sugar Sugar. Jan 05, 2018  Hannah Montana Adventures of a teenage pop star who keeps her identity secret from even her closest Hannah Montana friends by using a disguise on stage. Category Film & Animation.

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Miley's school raises money for the United People Releif Fund. Miley uses her Hannah Montana celebrity status to help out her,Lily, and Oliver when they hear that Amber and Ashley were giving big checks from their dads. Lily and Miley then give the Hannah money to Sarah cause she seems to be doing charity for the right reasons.Amber and Ashley brought in the most money cause Oliver bragged how Sarah was going to bring in more money then them.

Then Miley helps Sarah Change Amber and Ashley plans for the day by telling the reporter that Amber and Ashley were going to. Miley gets picked on by the new girl who's nickname is The Cracker. Jackson and Robbie Stewart have their fishing trip snowed out and have to stay in a bug infested hotel. Roxy goes undercover as a new bully to try and put The Crackers terror to an end. Jackson and Robbie get stuck with the hotel manager and his ventriloquist dummy.

Roxy gives Miley a new wardrobe so she can protect her at all times. Miley gets made into a salad before Lily can get the Principal.


We find out why The Cracker is so mean because her real name is Henrietta Laverne. Jackson steals Miley's. There is a show called Singing With the Stars, and whoever wins, will sing with Hannah Montana.

At school, Amber says that she could win. She then goes into the bathroom and Miley says that she would make sure that Amber didn't win. But then she hears a terrible voice coming from the bathroom and Miley said she WOULD make sure she got in because she wanted Amber to be humiliated on t.v.

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At lunch, Miley then calls Amber and says that she would be in Singing With the Stars and singing with Hannah Montana. Then Amber says it aloud that she is going to be singing with.