Buku Pendidikan Agama Islam Untuk Perguruan Tinggi Pdf Free

BUKU PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM,Arah Baru Pengembangan Ilmu Dan Kepribadian Di Perguruan Tinggi. Community Development As Micropolitics: Comparing Theories Policies And Politics In America And Britain free ebook. Mar 14, 2018 - Ta'allum: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam is a scientific journal contains papers drawn from study of critical analysis in the field of Islamic education.

This study aims to see the urgency of understanding the ethics of Islamic communication in an effort to reduce the negative impact that hit Facebook where students of the State Islamic Institute (STAIN) Kediri. Because this situation is contrary to the vision STAIN Kediri who has committed a stabilization center aqidah, good morality, the development of science and a profession that is able to produce graduates who excel intellectually and morally, master of science and technology in order to create a good society. This study used a survey method. The result found that first, many students STAIN Kediri who has not shown good character when a user of Facebook.

And secondly, Facebook is used by students STAIN Kediri to argue, in contempt, and a means of contention. An understanding of Islamic ethics of communication required by the students, in order to become the foundation for the user to access Facebook.

Etika Komunikasi Massa dalam Pandangan Islam. Black white creature isle crack download for pc. Jakarta: Logos Wacana Ilmu.

Moral dan Etika Kepemimpinan Nasional. Gorontalo: IAIN Sultan Amai.

Azizy, MA., Dr. Qodri A, 2003. Pendidikan (Agama) untuk Membangun Etika Sosial. Semarang: Aneka Ilmu. Buku Pedoman Akademik Program Strata 1 Tahun 2013-2014 STAIN Kediri.

Cahyani, Alois A. Nugroho dan Ati. Multikulturalisme dalam Bisnis. Jakarta: Grasindo. Matinya Dunia Cyberspace. Yogyakarta: LkiS. Hardianto, Arif.

Berteman dan berbisnis dengan Facebook dan Blog. Yogyakarta: Tugu Publisher. Hidayat, Taufik. Lebih Dekat dengan Facebook. Jakarta: PT Elex Media Komputindo. Junaedi, Fajar. Komunikasi Massa Pengantar Teoritis.

Yogyakarta: Penerbit Santusta. Muis S.H., Prof.

Komunikasi Islami. Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya. Media Sosial Baru dan Munculnya Revolusi Proses Komunikasi. Yogyakarta: Buku Litera. 3-2-1 Proteksi Gratis Saat Anak Ber-Internet. Jakarta: Prestasi Pustaka. Nova, Tabloid.

(2013) Edisi Januari, Jakarta.

Abstract The course of Islamic Education (PAI) at the Public University (PTU) for its students seems to be merely a science of knowledge insight only and can not be used as ideological identity in their daily life. This can be proved by the time the author goes around the campus area and finds some students they talks with his fellow students using rough language, such as the phrase 'anjrid'. Therefore, from the above facts encourage the author to analyze the phenomenon, why the Islamic Education in PTU has not been able to change the character and morals of the students, so the author concluded that one important factor in facing this challenge is to be held back preparation of syllabus and curriculum PAI by looking at student needs analysis at PTU. One such needs analysis is the understanding of Arabic texts contained in the PAI material itself.