All Books Of Masud Rana Amr Books

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Masud Rana' is a famous fiction character created by Kazi Anwar Hossain, popular fictionist of Bangladesh. In the year 1966, first book of Masud Rana series, name Dhwangsa pahar published from 'Sheba Prokashoni', since then more than four hundred spying stories published in this series.
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Although the first two books of the series are fundamental, but there is a great deal of books written on the shadow of English and other languages books. The author of ' Masud Rana Series' originally created the character ' Masud Rana' as the Bengali version of Ian Fleming's James Bond's character. But the current series is going on in the world of the Bengali books occupying a space of its own. We will try to share all the books of Masud Rana Series in this post by updating frequently.
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Publication date 1966 – Current Media type Print () Masud Rana is a created in 1966 by writer, who featured him in over 400 novels. Hussain created the adult spy-thriller series Masud Rana, at first modelled after, but expanded widely. So far 450 books have been published in this series which has gained a lot of popularity in. Written from the 1960s and continuing to present day, books are published almost every month by, one of the most popular publishing house of Bangladesh. Although Qazi Anwar Hussain started the series, it is an open secret that nowadays he doesn't write it any more.
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A group of are employed to produce all the new Masud Rana novels. The Masud Rana books describes the adventures of its eponymous hero Masud Rana, an international of Bangladeshi origin, closely resembling in his expertise with weapons and love for women. Although the soul author of the series is Qazi Anwar Hussain, it is known that Hussain liberally extracts segments of plots from popular Western of contemporary period. Nonetheless, the series became a boon for young people in post-war Bangladesh, who had few entertainment alternatives in an era pre-dating cable TV, the web sites and smart phones. The books caused concern among some middle-class parents because of their occasional racy contents, and reading Masud Rana was an activity often frowned upon. The series eventually ran to well over four hundred individual titles.
Masud Rana has also been adapted for one Bengali and one TV Drama. In July 2018, Biggest production house in Bangladesh received permission from author Qazi Anwar Hussain to make three movies based on first three novel of the series.