Add 1st Edition Character Sheet Pdf

To all of the grognards out there who play AD&D (preferably 2nd edition, though 1st edition is acceptable as well): Where can I find some decent character sheets? My DM has just recruited a bunch of players to replace a lot of players who left due to graduation from college, so we decided now would be a good time to get new character sheets. The character sheets we had before were kind of suboptimal (Ability scores in a non-standard order [standard being Str, Dex, Con, Int, Wis, Cha]), random entries that were more or less useless, no space for equipment (had to write out equipment on back), and other issues.

So, we are looking for some better AD&D character sheets. My googlefu isn't producing very good character sheets, so I was hoping some fellow grognards could help recommend better sheets. Please, only respond with character sheets that you like.

I can use Google to find a random character sheet for AD&D, but I want to find GOOD character sheets. If you have a custom character sheet that can't be linked to, but is in a file format, please PM me, and I'll send you my e-mail address (I'd rather not post it here, due to spam).

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As a side note, it would also be cool if anyone knew of abbreviated NPC character sheets. We have a lot of NPCs in the party (Roughly 10 NPCs, 12 PCs, since each player controls 2 characters), as the only way to survive in our DM's world is to make big adventuring parties. I'm thinking of a character sheet that can hold something like 3-4 NPCs per side, with space only for bare essentials like Stats, gear, experience, nonweapon proficienies, weapon proficiences, ect. We'll probably have to custom-make our own, but its worth a shot asking. Anyway, thanks for the help!

Filename Author Total Comments Total Downloads Rating Files Uploaded Last Updated AD&D 1E Character Sheet (TSR) 1 11,794 0 1 Friday, 15th November, 2013, 03:04 PM Friday, 15th November, 2013, 03:04 PM or nostalgia's sake, I'm posting the first AD&D (first edition) character sheet I ever made, circa 1989. Before that I was using photocopies of the ones TSR put out. I believe I used MacPaint and SuperPaint on my Mac SE/30 to create a two-page bitmap. 1 3,264 0 1 Friday, 15th November, 2013, 01:15 PM Friday, 15th November, 2013, 01:15 PM Another of my old sheets I've dug up.

Form-fillable PDF AD&D 2nd Edition character sheets [closed] Ask Question 13. A character sheet based on the TSR original for a an AD&D setting called 10th Age can be used for other AD&D 2e settings. The only thing that makes it specific to the creator's 10th Age setting is the text in the upper right, where the AD&D 2e logo would. Test veksler wppsi scale.

Here's one of my AD&D sheets, version 2.1, this one tuned for Oriental Adventures (1st Edition). I believe this was the first version I did in PageMaker. At least when I made this one in 1991 I had somewhat regul. 1 747 0 1 Friday, 15th November, 2013, 01:13 PM Friday, 15th November, 2013, 01:13 PM If you're looking for a clean copy of the original AD&D adventure logs, seek no further. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License (Character sheet created by Mad Irishman Productio. 0 655 0 1 Friday, 15th November, 2013, 01:12 PM Friday, 15th November, 2013, 01:12 PM Continuing my trek of recreating for posterity all those wonderfully cramped character sheets from the early days of D&D, here's my replica of the one-page Non-Player Character Record Sheet.